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Friday the 13th pt7: New Blood

Friday the 13th pt7: The New Blood was released May13th 1988. It was directed by John Carl Buechler and written by Daryl Hanney.

Finally we've gotten to Kane Hodder as Jason! The most famous Jason.

This film was submitted to the MPAA 9 times, and BOY does it show. Let's get into it.

Oh great opening sounds over the Paramount logo. 

Crazy Ralph (Walt Gorney) narrates as we see a rainy night on a cemetery with flashbacks to earlier installments: “There’s a legend round here. A killer buried but not dead. A curse on crystal lake. A death curse. Jason Voorhees’ curse. They say he died as a boy, but he keeps coming back. Few have seen him and lived. Some have even tried to stop him. No one can.” A lot of footage of part 6. “People forget, he’s down there, waiting.” Great light opening and harsh music, not the Harry Manfridini score we’re used to. Really doing something different. Same boring ass white sans serif font on a black background. 

Opening we see Jason in the lake still chained to the rock. 

On a Friday the 13th Tina is upset by her parents [John and Amanda] arguing so goes out on the lake to get away from her drunken/abusive father. Tina goes all Carrie and kills her father. Should I do a Tina kill count? Naw, this doesn’t count, it’s a ‘good for her’ kill. Good girl Tina. 

^this scene has to have happened after Tommy and Megan chained Jason in 1990.

Cut to teen Tina! - it’s supposed to be 7 years later. 

Tina and mom are returning to Crystal Lake. Dr. Crews [Terry Kiser, aka Bernie] wants her to return to where she killed her dad. He must have treated Tommy at the hospital too. 

Their neighbors are a bunch of young sexy teens out in the woods unsupervised. What could go wrong? They are throwing a party for Michael [one might call it a Birthday Bash!]

cousin Nick [Kevin Spirtas - Subspecies 2, 3, 5, Days of Our Lives 450], 

preppy brunette Russell [Larry Cox] + blonde Sandra [Heidi Kozak - SPM2, Society], 

token couple Ben [Craig Thomas] + girl with braid Kate [Diane Almeida], 

science-fiction writer Eddie [Jeff Bennett], 

stoner David [Jon Renfield], 

perky redhead Robin [Elizabeth Kaitan - SNDN2], 

shy (glasses) Maddy [Diana Barrows]

snobby socialite Melissa [Susan Jennifer Sullivan].

Michael [William Butler], + his curly haired girlfriend Jane [Staci Greason]. 

Melissa likes Nick but Nick likes Tina who is oddly bitchy. 

Tina takes her attitude into her session with Dr. Bernie who is giving Poltergeist III. She doesn’t have control of her powers. Dr. Bernie is trying to upset Tina because that’s when her powers come out. It’s very overpowered-crazy woman trope.

Then she cries and runs away. Out on the dock towards the lake. You really have one note huh? And flashbacks to trauma… ya know her powers didn’t need to make her this moping crying sop, she could have been ya know empowered! 

“I’m sorry, I wish I could bring you back…” so she uses her necromancy skills to bring Jason back to life. Way to go Tina you fucked up and pulled a Tommy. smh.

Cut to sex! 

It’s his uncle’s cabin and they’re ‘sleeping’ in the van… who are they!?! Russell and Sandra?

Cut to car trouble! 

Two people [Jane and Michael] walking to the cabin. They walk 5 miles to Crystal Lake, well they try to a skeletal Jason is after them. He wastes no time.

Jane is stabbed in the back of the head through a tree. 

Michael comes back from peeing (never pee in the woods should be a rule). Michael runs from Jason, very slowly and looking back a lot. Jason throws his spike and kills Michael. 

[Kill Count: 2 total. 1f/1m]

Nick comes over to give Tina her shirt back. They make eyes at one another. He invites her over to the party. 

She’s immediately grabbed by Eddie, the sci-fi writer, who I love. Tina is so obviously uncomfortable. GIRL! He’s a nerd. Fuck Tina and her judgey tude. Kill her Jason, spare Eddie and take her! 

At the party Tina has a vision of Michael? being killed by Jason… then runs out.

She runs to her mom. Dr. Bernie… idk… tells her that she’s hallucinating. 

I looked away for a sec and there is a man, Dan, collecting wood. Jason tip toes up and bunches through his check AND breaks his neck. Then takes his machete. 


[Kill Count: 4 total. 2f/2m].

Cut to back to the party, where more characters are introduced in the morning.

Cut to Nick and Tina talking by the lake… umm Tina this is not first date material. At all. Nick, go back to Pittsburg, it’s safer. Not words I ever thought I’d say

I really phased out. More teens talking. More Tina crying and screaming at Dr. Bernie. He’s screaming, like you know her dad was abusive right? Anyway she throws a TV at his head.

Nick comes back over. Ok so she thinks Michael is the guy she had a vision of and tells Nick. 

Sandra and Russell go skinny dipping. Well Sandra does while Russell watches until Jason comes up to him…. He gets an ax to the face then Jason goes into the lake and drowns Sandra… this scene didn’t really match but ok.

[Kill Count: 6 total. 3f/3m].

Drama is going on back at the party. 

Nick is trying to reach Michael. 

Maddy gives herself a glow up to get one of the guys… David, who Robin also likes. Meanwhile Melissa is flirting with Eddie to make Nick jealous but he likes Tina. My brain hurts. 

Note: a red lip and mascara does level you up. She went Super Mario.

Mom is looking through Dr. Bernie’s papers. 

Dr. Bernie is walking through the woods and finds Michael’s body with the spike, which he picks up like a dumb-ass. 

She confronts him when he gets back. He decides to commit her. 

Tina overhears and runs away. Girl cannot drive. She sees a vision of her mom being killed by Jason and crashes.

OH I’m dumb! He thinks Tina killed Michael right?

Maddy goes into the woods looks for David - there was a cut scene that really should not have been cut here. She sees… Russell’s dead body and runs. Jason stalks after her. She I guess cuts her with a curved blade… maybe slit her throat. Idk this poor movie was cut to shit.

[Kill Count: 7 total. 4f/3m].

Ben and Kate are having van sex.

Ben’s head is crushed. And Jason… idk impales her maybe? Idk it’s off-screen.

[Kill Count: 9 total. 5f/4m].

Eddie and Melissa are getting hot and heavy but Melissa rejects him. She’s honest to the point of cruelty. She just wanted to make Nick jealous. 

Robin and David are getting intimate - the power goes out.

David goes to the kitchen (instant death sentence) he walks in blood without concern. Jason comes up and stabs him.

[Kill Count: 10 total. 5f/5m].

At some point Nick randomly finds Tina. Then they find Michael’s body. 

They go back to her place and find news articles on Jason Voorhees. 

Poor Nick is having a bad weekend.

Eddie gets stabbed in the neck or something.

[Kill Count: 11 total. 5f/6m].

Jason goes upstairs to kill Robin who is looking around waiting for David I guess. She finds a body of… idk who then Jason throws her out the window.

[Kill Count: 12 total. 6f/6m].

Nick wants to get everyone together to get them to safety but Tina refuses to leave because she’s worried about her mom… girl the house is next door! Jfc she’s useless.

Nick goes looking through the house. 

I think Nick finds Mellissa who doesn’t believe him… idk I zoned out.

Dr. Bernie and Mom are wondering around the woods fighting. Jason finds them… with a idk blade on a stick…? Dr. Bernie used mom as a shield! Holy shit!

[Kill Count: 13 total. 7f/6m].

Dr. Bernie warns Tina then Jason catches up to him with a weed wacker. 

[Kill Count: 14 total. 7f/7m].

Tina starts finding bodies and screaming whilst running around in the woods. 

She finds Jason and stares him down. Then uses tree branches to attack him like a Kadarian Demon. 

She gets him in a puddle then electrocutes him.

Jason breaks through a window - oh looks like glass costs have gone up since ‘86.

Tina continues the psychic battle - tries to lock him out, throws a couch at him, throws a potted plant/Eddie’s head at him, brings a roof down on him, 

Tina comes home crying. Nick and Melissa are there. “He got my mom. I killed him.” Ok bold of you to assume. 

Melissa is like wtf? I’m going back to bed. Jason comes in, ax’s her in the head, then throws her into the wall. LOVE THIS KILL. 

[Kill Count: 15 total. 8f/7m].

Nick tries to protect Tina. This is such a dumb chase. LOL. 

Tina swings a lightbulb at Jason which shatters on his head, knocking him back through the staircase into the floor below. 

Jason comes back and tries to crush Nick. So Tina compresses Jason’s mask, breaking it. Then uses a cord to hand him. Then drops him to the basement below again. Now we have no-mask Jason. The make up is great.

Then Tina shoots him with nails and sprays him with gasoline and sets him on fire. 

This is a LONG fire stunt.

FANTASTIC house explosion! 

Jason keeps at it though! Zombie-Jason is indestructible. 

Did Nick have a gun this whole time? Anyway he gets slapped into a boat.

Tina is left on the dock. She resurrects her dead zombie-father to take Jason back to the bottom of the lake… umm I have follow up questions?

Survivors: Nick and Tina!

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