The La Casa franchise is just... bizarre. Very basically what happened was Sam Raimi's 1981 film, Evil Dead, was very popular in Italy under the Italian title La Casa. As was it's sequel, 1987's Evil Dead II (or as it was known is Italy, La Casa 2).
So a producer, Joe D'Amato produced a number of sequels with the Le Casa title slapped on them, though they having nothing to do with Evil Dead.
Further an additional two sequel films from an entirely different American franchise, House II: The Second Story and House III aka Horror Show, were also released as part of the La Casa franchise in Italy.
Meaning if you grew up in Italy this is basically the Evil Dead (La Casa) franchise:
Evil Dead (1981)
Evil Dead II (1987)
Ghosthouse (1988)
Witchery (1988)
Beyond Darkness (1990)
House II: The Second Story (1987)
House III aka The Horror Show (1989)
If you're curious this is the House franchise:
House (1986)
House II: The Second Story (1987)
House III aka The Horror Show (1989)
House IV: Repossession (1992)
House (2024)
This is the Evil Dead franchise:
Evil Dead (1981)
Evil Dead II (1987)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Evil Dead: The Musical (2003-)
Ash vs The Evil Dead - 3 season show (2015-2018)
Evil Dead (2013)
Evil Dead Rise (2023)