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Friday the 13th pt 2

Friday the 13th Part 2.

Directed by Steve Miner.

Written by Ron Kurtz.

Music by Harry Manfridini.

Practical Effects by Carl Fuller.

Distributed by Paramount.

Released May 1st 1981.

Tagline: ...the kill count continues.

Kid, Jesse, singing ittsy bittsy spider at night. MUSIC CUE, boots walking to

shitty looking house. Man that wood has dry rot!

Two Months after F13_pt1.

Alice Hardy, F13_pt1’s Final Girl, dreaming about the ending of the last film with Mrs. Voorhees - In a really long scene, guys we didn’t need the entire 3rd act. It’s like a ‘last time on Friday the 13th...’. Serializing this franchise - pick up with our remaining character, to kill them off.

Alice gets a call from her mom. From my understanding her lines were largely improvised (not sure if that’s true). She’s got some kool drawings... she goes to take a shower (of course - enter Psycho CLICHE). The phone rings again but no one is on the other side. Eerie tense scene of her looking through the house. She gets a knife, she’s a survivor, she knows to arm herself!

Holy shit Pamela Voorhees’ head is in her fridge! And she gets an ice pick to the head. [Kill 1 = female on screen]

Cut to credits! Or rather the credits break through!Side note: Jason took the kettle off the stove, Nice thinking.

The film opens with a couple [Jeff + Sandra] driving. They stop at a Exxon gas station, Crazy Ralph (Harbinger of Doom from the first film) stops them as they use a payphone to call Ted. Ted gives them directions. Crazy Ralph says “You’re all doomed!”

Ah their truck gets towed... that was fast! So they run after it. Oh it was a joke by Ted with the help of the gas station owner Max. Ted is the prankster (CLICHE prankster character, needed for fake out scenes). They all seem like friends having a great time, the chemistry is really good.

A tree is down in the middle of the road. “It looks like someone dragged it out here...” We get POV shots watching Sandra looking around the woods. She finds a sign for ‘Camp Crystal Lake’, but Ted calls it Camp Blood - apparently it’s on the same Lake as where they are staying [Packanack Lodge].

1984... July 13th?

I FUCKING LOVE PAUL HOLT!!! (had to get that out)Paul Holt is ringing a bell to summon the youths - a group of teens: Ted, Jeff, Sandra, Terry, Vickie, (dog Muffin), Scott, Mark,...

Scott uses a slingshot to hit Terry in the butt. Her outfit is a choice!

Paul Holt has a counselor training center. Is that a thing? Seems like a weird thing. Paul is friendly, and a great leader. He talks to the youths about safety and what not again he’s friendly and comes off like an actual kool teacher...

Crazy Ralph is riding his back as a red volks wagen passes him. In the red bug is Ginny Fields. Paul has a sidebar with her, he’s mad that she’s late. She’s his right hand man, his assistant. They have some sexual tension. It’s cute. I like them. They feel real.

Ok we’ve set up that Ginny’s red bug is sick - another CLICHE - the car doesn’t work.

Ginny is a child psychologist.

Night scene with everyone around the fire.

Paul tells the youths about Jason: “His body was never recovered from the lake after he drowned. If you listen to the old timers in town, they’ll tell you he’s still out there. Some sort of demented creature. Surviving in the wilderness. Full grown by now (This movie came out in 1981, but takes place in 1984. Jason was born in 1946. So he’s 38 now.. ish). Stalking. Steeling what he needs to live. Living off wild animals and vegetation. Some folk claim they’ve even seen him, right in this area. The girl who survived that night at Camp Blood, that Friday the 13th, she claimed she saw him. She disappeared two months later. [WAIT a damn minute. Disappeared. You expect me to believe Jason covered his tracks...]. Vanished. Blood was everywhere. No one knows what happened to her. [Well if blood is everywhere, one might make an enormous leap in logic that she got kilt]. Legend has it that Jason saw his mother beheaded that night [MOTIVATION], and he took his revenge. A revenge that he’ll continue to seek [spoiling the plot of the movie

much? Lol.] if anyone ever enters his wilderness again. And by now I guess you all know we’re the first to return here. Five years. Five long years he’s been dormant. (well he was dormant from 1957 to 1980 so five years isn’t that much, maybe just like stay off his lawn). And he’s hungry (he’s not a cannibal). Jason’s out there, watching, always on the prowl for intruders. Waiting to kill (ok he killed one woman, calm down). Waiting to devour (still not a cannibal). Thirsty for young blood.”

Ted does a jump scare, clearing the fire pit.

Paul says he got that out of the system, “Jason down, Mrs Voorhees is dead, and Camp Crystal Lake is off limits.”

Paul asks Ginny what she thinks, she replies coldly that the second half could use a little work... Poor Paul looks hurt. Later they play chess and Ginny wins leaving Poor Paul looking utterly baffled and adorable.

The counselors go mess around in their cabin. Again it looks like a good time. This seems very authentic.

POV shots through the window of the cabin.Scott is dancing with Muffin, trying to get Terry. Sandra wants to see Camp Blood, Jeff is not interested.

Ginny goes to turn in for the night. CLICHE dressing scene. Crazy Ralph is watching (based on his shadow). Paul sneaks into her cabin. They kiss. Awe. Paul is a rule breaker but we forgive him.

We see a pan shot, boots, pants, Crazy Ralph. Are we supposed to believe he’s the killer cuz I don’t.

AWE SHIT Crazy Ralph got kilt! Strangled with a wire. [Kill 2 = 1 man]

Ginny takes the youths running int he morning. This shows she’s in good cardio shape for later on. Smart man Paul keeps Mark company. Right there with ya Paul. Running is for chumps.

POV shot of someone in the woods watching them. Ginny seems on edge. Muffin finds Jason... O.O

CUT TO: Ginny cutting wood for a fire pit, Ted is making meat.

Terry goes looking for Muffin. She goes back for lunch avoiding certain death. Ginny puts the chainsaw away. Lots of POV shots of watching women.

Everyone is swimming. Side note - DAMN ok Ted is shredded. Sandra and Jeff go to look at Camp Crystal Lake at Sandra’s insistence. They’re a cute couple. Uh Oh - boots and the nefarious POV shots follow them!

Awe they found the dead body of Muffin.

A cop, he warns Paul Holt about staying so close too close to Camp Crystal Lake then gets upset when Paul doesn’t even reprimand Jeff + Sandra so Paul tells Ginny, “no seconds on dessert for Jeff and Sandra.” GOD I LOVE PAUL HOLT!

The look on that cop’s face is perfect.

The cop drives away and sees something in the woods prompting him to get out of his car and run through the woods. (The stopping to wipe his forehead was a great touch). Jason just calmly walks away while this poor cop is dying trying to keep up. He reaches a... old shack, house, trailer... Structure, he reaches a structure. AKA Jason’s house. There’s not much there. He has a toilet... looks kinda clean. Can you imaging Jason cleaning his bathroom? LOL! Then mr. Cop gets killed with a hammer. [Kill 3 - 2 old men].

Paul Holt makes an announcement at dinner, he’s wearing a green turtleneck with a red corduroy button down.... I’ll allow it for Paul Holt.

There is a last night on the town before they really start getting into their training - a lot of the youth go.

Jeff + Sandra have to stay, Terry volunteers to remain so Scott decides to stay as well. Mark stays too, so the girl crushing on him Vickie remains too.

OK we have SET UP our red shirts, lack of supervision, no more police, and we already established the phones don’t work. Perfect!

Ted takes Jeff’s truck... Jeff is a brave man.

Shadow of Jason watching - I like the shadow shots. OMG IT’S A FULL MOON! Also a great moon shot.

Terry is wandering around the lake alone - Terry strips to go skinny dipping. CLICHE. PSA don’t go skinny dipping in a lake, you don’t know what’s in there!

Mark and Jeff arm wrestle. Sandra breaks it up to take Jeff upstairs. Vickie flirts with Mark... O.O

A hand takes Terry’s clothes. It’s Scott. Scott is an asshole, kill him Jason, kill him! Not me rooting for the killer. Terry chases Scott for his shirt. He steps in a trap and is pulled upside down. He promises to cut the crap, she tells him not to go anywhere ;) . Terry goes to get a knife to cut the rope.

Meanwhile, Jason kills Scott by running a Machete the wrong side, across his throat. [Kill 4 = 3 men]. Terry goes to cut Scott down but sees he’s dead then we cut away... [Off screen, kill 5 = 2 women].

To the bar (casino) where the youths are having a good time.

Ginny, Ted, and Paul talking... about Jason and the legend.

“Let’s try to think beyond the legend and put it in real terms. What would he be like today? Some kind of out of control psychopath? Frightened R*****. A child trapped in a man’s body? He’d been grown by now right (yeah bitch he’s 38). And you know the only person who ever knew him was his mother. (umm?). Never went to school so he never had any friends (Ok homeschooled kids can have friends though actually - and he went to camp!). She was everything to him. I double Jason would have even known the meaning of death (some serious arm chair psychology goin on), at least until that horrible night. He must have seen the whole thing happen. He must have seen his mother get killed. And all just cuz she loved him. I mean isn’t that what her revenge was all about. Her sense of loss. Her rage of what she thought happened. Love for him? I mean he must be out there right now crying for her return, her resurrection. (it’s been five years!).”

Ok damn Ginny, hope she didn’t become a child psychologist...

BUT yeah I got questions about Jason. So he did not drown, he’s been alive this whole time... why is he hiding in the woods? Why didn’t he go to his mother when she was out killing people in the woods? Did Jason fake his death to get away from his mother then when he saw her get killed he felt overwhelmed with guilt and had a psychological break? Hey, did Crazy Ralph raise him? OMG WAIT what if Mrs Voorhees wasn’t hearing voices what if Jason had been talking to her... well no that doesn’t make sense at all.. I’m confused!

Back to Jason watching the Cabin.Vickie asks Mark why he’s in a wheelchair. She is really into him. They kiss! Awe.

Jeff is playing the harmonica and Sandra is undressing him. Sex scene #1. CLICHE.

Oh no it’s a thunderstorm, on a full moon, on Friday the 13th, at Crystal Lake. The stars have aligned.

Vickie changes CLICHE - this is like the 4th woman to change. Come on now... oh and Jason is watching. I have never put perfume on my cleavage, you know that’s gunna taste weird right? Eh whatever to each their own. She’s out looking for something in her car, in her underwear, no woman would do this.

Great wide shot of the lake, with lightening striking.

Mark goes to call out for Vickie. RIP #81, I liked you Mark. The cutting is weird - we get POV shots of someone coming up from behind Mark, but then it cuts to a tight shot of his face with no one behind him. Continuity is a thing people! He gets a machete to the face... the machete is backwards again! I guess Jason was under the porch in front of him. And Mark rolls down the steps... all the fucking steps, then like freeze frames. You did not have to do Mark this dirty. [Kill 6 = 4 men].

HARD CUT from Mark’s freeze frame to Sanda’s climax.

Jason coming into the cabin and going upstairs... with a spear that Ted was using to scare them during the campfire.

Jason comes in and spears Jeff and Sandra together. RIP lovers. CLICHE of have sex and die. [Kill 7-8 post sex = 3 women, 5 men.].

Back at the bar/casino. Paul and Ginny go back to the cabin. Ted and the other stay there, and Ted lives! See drinking can save lives!

Vickie finally comes back to look for Mark. She goes looking for Sandra and Jeff when she can’t find Mark. Upstairs she pulls back the covers to reveal Jason lying in the bed with the corpse of Sandra wearing the burlap sack from The Town That Dreaded Sundown. He cuts her leg. Jeff’s body has been hung up beside the door.

Weird framing of focusing on the knife with Vickie out of focus. I’d have done a split diopter shot but whatever.

Jason stabs Vickie. [Kill 9 = 4 women]. This is the last kill...

Paul and Ginny make it back in the rain.Jason is dragging Vickie’s body down the stairs.All the lights are on? Something is wrong. Ginny goes to look upstairs.Paul notes, “these kids smoke better dope than I do.” LOL. Riot.Ginny finds a blood soaked bed but no bodies.Jason moved three bodies in like 5 minutes. What’s his work out routine damn!

Paul thinks it’s a joke at first. Ginny is concerned. They stick together. The power goes out. The rain is stopping... MUSIC! Ginny thinks someone is in the room with them, then Mr. Burlap himself comes at Paul with a spear. Great shot/reveal.

Paul and Jason wrestle. Go PAUL!Jason goes after Ginny with a pitchfork - 15-ish min chase scene. Ginny finds all the bodies - kind of a rip off of Halloween and F13_pt1. She tries to drive away but the red bug doesn’t work.Ginny is smart and a fighter. Did she kick Jason in the nards?She tries to get away in the yellow car (Vickies?).

She hides under a bed and a rat pees beside her... fucking rats. Jason is kind of a clutz, a chair he’s on collapses causing him to fall and break his pitchfork. Then

Ginny goes after him with a chainsaw! Jesus ok. He looks actually afraid and falls back. She hits him with a chair.

Ginny goes running again into the woods - she’s tired now though. OH she goes to Jason’s structure and finds more bodies... and Pamela’s head/shrine.

Jason is back after her.

Ginny puts on Pamela’s sweater and talks to Jason as if she’s his mom. We see that Jason is... hallucinating?... that she is Pamela. Oh the get Betsy Palmer back kool.

Ginny gets him to kneel down. They fight. PAUL HOLT IS BACK! They fight. Again.

Ginny gets the machete and in slow motion she sends it deep into Jason’s shoulder. Like way through his body. Saving Paul Holt, the person we needed to live.

Ginny unmasks Jason.

Paul and Ginny walk through the woods back to the big cabin. Fucking Paul, the hero, carries Ginny when she can’t walk. Legend.

She cries and he says she’s ok. They hold each other.

They hear a noise and they each grab part of the pitchfork to arm themselves.

Wait it’s Muffin...? So we in dream sequence time... but... questions...

Unmasked Jason jumps through the window and grabs Ginny! Machete still in his shoulder.

NEXT DAY: Ginny is on a stretcher asking for Paul as Ambulance medics take her away. Where IS Paul Holt!?!!?!?!?!

We close on the camera pushing into Palema’s rotting head...

The unmasked Jason is played by Warrington Gillette, where he jumps through the window. But, the film-makers didn’t think he did a very good job and replaced him with Steve Dash as Jason. But the make up took 6hrs and the shot had already been filmed so they weren’t going to redo that...

Survivors: Ted, Ginny Fields, and Paul Holt! Fuck yeah PAUL HOLT!Ok ok ok, technically we will learn there were 8 victims in the next movie

F13_pt3, which leads to a confirmation that Paul lives.

However, the intent was for him to be killed. But! Fuck the haters! Paul Holt Lives!


See! Hear! Cut! Kill! Experiencing Friday the 13th by Wickham Clayton

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