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Friday the 13th: Final Chapter

Released April 13th 1984

Directed by Joseph Zito of The Prowler, and Invasion USA fame.

Written by Barney Cohen

Effects by Tom Savini

Tagline: If Jason Still Haunts You, You're Not Alone!

Opens with my man PAUL HOLT’s campfire tale of Jason from pt2, spliced with scenes from pt1-4.Cut to credits... we see the hockey mask explode and get some fast paced intense

music that just does not live up to the funky disco beat pt3 gave us.

July 1984: This picks up where part 3 left off with an impressive (if not abrupt) tracking shot from a helicopter. They are bringing production value this time around! They got a budget!

Although do we really think Crystal Lake PD has a helicopter budget.

This is the third film taking place in July of 1984. Started on Friday in pt2, Saturday is pt3, and today, pt4, is Sunday... dude Monday in the Crystal Lake PD is going to be ROUGH! Now that’s a movie.

But with Jason continuing his killing spree around Crystal Lake... for the third film in a row you gotta wonder: how big is this lake that the police haven’t got the whole thing blocked off!?

Anyway the cops are loading bodies from Higgin’s Haven into ambulances. We see the ax that axed Jaso being bagged and Jason himself being zipped up.

We’re told Jason got 7 kids and 3 bikers for a kill count of 10... but that’s just pt3... oh ok we’re already ignoring Harold and Edna from the same movie AND the 8 people he killed on Friday (aka pt2). No wonder the cops aren’t evacuating to area... like 20 people have been killed and the just give no fucks.

I really want a tv show about the town Whatever. Movin right along...

‘Dead’ Jason is taken to Wessex County Medical Morgue. OK I don’t know when people decided to always have morticians eating and being pervs. Like, that’s not a fucking thing. Stop. “well still is...” Jesus, Axel deserved to die.

Do you think Crystal Lake [in Wessex County apparently] is the murder capital of the US after the Crystal Lake Massacre? What was that news report!?!

So I rewatched Halloween II before this and Nurse Morgan + Axel are really giving Budd and nurse Karen.

Jason grabs Axel’s head and slices through his neck with a bone saw then just twists it 180 degrees around. WHAT AN EFFECT! Then he kills nurse Morgan, lifts her bodily off the ground and guts her basically. Shit. [Kill Count 2: 1m + 1f. 1984 total 22.]

Cut to next day! Sunday the 15th with a mother and daughter, Trish Jarvis, are jogging through the woods. They are Crystal Lake townies.

Back at home 12y/o Tommy Jarvis [Corey Feldman - named for Savini] is playing video games while wearing a mask he made which is wildly impressive or giving this is horror movie logic, not impressive at all. Everyone can see through a mask. No visual obstructions here. Nope.

We learn the ‘place next door’ was rented by 6 kids... [Paul + Samantha, Doug + Sara, Ted, and Jimmy (Crispin Glover)].

Oh I’m not going to be able to tell Samatha and Sara apart, and they aren’t even the twins in this movie. Jfc. Come on.

How the fuck old is Trish supposed to be? The wiki said 16 but that actress is literally 28 years old... and looks it.

Anyway cut to our ‘kids’ singing in the car while Ted and Jimmy talk about sex. Ted is a perv and Jimmy is a sweetie. Jimmy is like if Ducky from Pretty in Pink was in a horror movie... and here I thought virgins lived. RIP, callin it now.

I hate Ted. Ted is the true dead fuck. He’s the deadest fuck.

The teens pass a granola lesbian hitchhiking. Girl same. I think I have that fit. Jason grabs the back of her head and shoves... a knife through her throat. Savini really like this kill and he’s improved his work in the past 5 years. This is on screen, broad daylight, well lite, minimal cuts. Fuck it’s good.

Also Jason is a homophobe confirmed. [Kill count: 3. 2f.]

Back at the Jarvis', their golden retriever Gordon returns home. I’m worried about Gordon’s odds... but Jason is no Michael Myers so, maybe he’ll make it. Also, does that dog know how to knock? What a good boy.

The teens arrive at the house they rented.

Poor Jimmy wants to settle into his breakup with Betty, learn to be a human being who doesn’t need a woman to be happy and fulfilled. Sadly he has the terrible influence that is Ted. Fucking Ted.

Gordon, Tommy, and Trish go over to introduce themselves... while mom watches through the window with a weird look on her face.

Sara basically calls Samantha a slut. Well ok then. Apparently Samantha has a reputation but she only does it with Paul, however she’s proud of her 6th grade reputation. Men wrote this. O.O

Sara is apparently a virgin. She’s a bit worried/excited about sharing a room with Doug. Fucking Prince Charming himself, hell, even I’d be excited. That man’s face was chiseled by the gods. Michelangelo himself could not make a face that pretty. I’ve never seen a face before and thought, he LOOKS like he was in a soap opera, and he was.

Meanwhile, pervy Tommy watches Samantha unchange. I thought Jimmy was the peeping tom... that’s a BTTF joke. OMG and Paul helps her out of her clothes. I feel like Paradise by the Dashboard Light should be playing. Like Phil Rizzuto should be announcing the progress of their makeout sesh while lil Tommy freaks out. Boys.

Cut to next day... Monday the 16th.

Jimmy wants to call Betty. Awe!

Sadly he talks to Ted about it. He’s not helping you buddy.

Did Ted just say never sleep with the same girl twice? Ok nevermind I’ve found the virgin of the film. Thankfully Nice GuysTM don’t count.

God I want Ted to die.

The group meets Terri and Tina.Are Ted and Jimmy friends with the rest of the group because the never interact

with anyone other than each other?

Sara goes off into the woods alone to get the car. See being lazy in a horror movie is never a good idea. Nor is splitting up from the group. Huh in the first two movies we had 1st person POV shots and I never noticed that fell away by pt3.

At the lake the 7 teens go skinny dipping.Trish and Tommy go to the lake with Gordon... Tommy sees more than he should.

Wait did Doug just invite Trish in... while she’s standing next to her 12 year old brother. Pretty and dumb and rocks. Oh well... -.-

Sara is fully dressed and reading. Samantha tries to get her to come into the water by fake drowning... I hate people who do shit like that.

Trish and Tommy go home. That was a quick trip. But! They have car trouble. OH there is a POV shot. Never mind.

Tommy starts to fix the car. Lil MacGuyver over here.

Trish and Tommy meet Rob Dier. We got our Blonde Brunette Love Interest for this film. He helps fix their car and they give him a lift. He says he’s hunting for bear while asking if anyone lives this deep in the woods, are there any kids, or vacationaires... like a red flag level creep. The 80’s were different.

BTW the actor playing Rob is YOUNGER than the actor playing 16y/o Trish and I am so done with this. smh. Like she could be Corey Feldman’s mom.

Something that bothers me is when you have someone playing a teenager, referring to other teenagers as kids. NO ONE DOES THAT!

Tommy invites Rob up to his room to show him his masks. Tommy is a real extrovert. Who lets a grown man you don’t know into your house... AND up to your 12y/o son’s room? MAN the 80’s were different!

Cut back to the other house with the teen partiers.

Jimmy might be a dead fuck but that Dance is... man I love this dance. Jimmy is so sweet and dances with... Terri.Samantha laughs at Jimmy’s dance. Laughter is a great way to flirt. Awe Paul is a romantic. He puts on something a bit more danceable.

Holy shit did Ted just put a bear plushier up to Tina and says, “wanna give Teddy Bear a kiss” then sneak obviously unwanted kissES in...? Jason, I’m a need you to kill this fool soon.

Nevermind fuck Paul. He started flirting with Tina until Samantha came back. Jimmy and Terri slow dance. He’s so focused on counting. Jimmy is adorable.

Trish and Rob chat as they hike.It’s going to rain again. What a rainy weekend.She invites him back over... he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Ted and Jimmy talk. Ted is messing around with the bottle opener and being a very crude perv. Jimmy whines that ‘Ted has the hot one of the two of them’... of the two beautiful women.. Like wtf are you talking about Jimmy. I trusted you!

One of the twins overhears... and sees Ted. She’s unamused.

They go back to having a fun party... the twins do that beer chugging thing. Idk. Tina wins and jumps into Pauls open arms. Samantha is unamused. (leave him, you’re too good for him girl).

Even Doug and Sara look uncomfortable. Doug now is your chance for a fun night, I bet they’d be down cuz Sara likes you and is comfortable with Sam, and Sam is very adventurous and wants to make Paul jealous.... Listen to me here, I got you.

Why am I like this....

Moving on.

Samantha goes skinny dipping. Paul stays to dance with Tina. Sara wants to go with Samantha but stays at Doug’s encouragement and promise that he’ll talk to Paul. Doug, kick Paul’s ass!

Tina is sending side-eye at Ted. Ok Ted can kill Paul. Whichever, I’m not picky.

Whoa I am actually keeping all these characters straight... This has never happened to me before.

Jimmy is getting a lil retribution and I enjoy this. Make Teddy Bear miserable!

Samantha goes down to the lake to skinny dip at night, well she gets into a floaty raft thingy. And if you think she’s killed by Jason... you’re 100% right. This is the most 80’s death possible. She died sad and alone hoping Paul would come after her... this breaks my heart. Shame on you Jason. Shame on you! [Kill count: 4. 3f. Total 1984 kills 25.]

Paul finally tells Tina he can’t go through with this and leaves to find Sam. Well you’re too late! And I hate you now. She called for you! And you were dancing with another women.

Tina asks Jimmy to dance. She is making her way around the party. Jimmy is so shy and ridiculous. He shoulda stayed with Terri who appreciated his humor.

Tina suggests they go upstairs. It’s an eager yes from Jimmy.

Poor Terri liked him too. She sits down next to Ted and hugs the bear. He uses the ‘wanna give Teddy Bear a kiss’ line again. Get wrecked!

Paul gets undressed and swims out to the dead Samantha in the floatie... trying to sneak up on her. But it’s he who gets the surprise! He swims back to the dockand gets... umm arrowed in the crotch and shot with something... I really couldn’t tell what was happening...[Kill Count 5: 2m. Total 1984 kc 26]

BUT! Rob hears Paul’s screams from his tent!

Rob goes to check things out with a Machete. Umm is his gun broken? Is that what I’m seeing?

Tina and Jimmy break the bed in Paul’s room... and he’s a dead fuck? Ha!

Ted puts on old movies and watches with Doug, Sara, and Terri who looks so fucking bored.

Is Ted high?

Terri goes to look for Tina. She says they’ve gotta go. Tina tells her to leave. She does. OH know it’s a thunderstorm! Jason loves killing during a storm.

Lol Terri calls Tina a slut.

Another killer POV shot. We see from a shadow during a lightning strike, Jason stab Terri. Then he throws her body against the house. [Kill count: 6. 4f. Total 1984 kills 27.]

Sara invites Doug upstairs - but asks for a few minutes.Sam goes upstairs getting undressed and putting a robe on. Ok sure whatever.

Over at the Jarvis home Mommy comes home. The power is out. I think she’s killed.

Cut to Trish and Tommy driving in the rain. They arrive home.

Trish goes out to look for mom and comes to Rob’s tent. She takes cover there. I guess? More POV shots. Rob comes... for the slowest approach in cinema? He nearly kills her with his machete and screams: “What the hell are you doing here?”

Jimmy asks Tina if he’s a dead fuck.............................. if you have to ask...

Jimmy comes downstairs with Tina’s underwear to brag to a wildly high Ted.

Jimmy goes to open a bottle of wine but can’t find the corkscrew. “Teeed, where the he’lls the corkscrew?” it’s in Jason’s hand, and now it’s through Jimmy’s, then a meatcleaver is in his head. SO FAST! He didn’t even have time to scream. It cuts away quickly... I guess to keep it an R. [Kill count: 7. 3m. Total 1984 kills 28.]

Tina goes looking for Jimmy. She looks outside from a second story window to see both her and Terri’s bikes. She looks through another window and Jason has his obligator window jump! He pulls her through the broken window and throws her to the car below which I feel like would hurt like hell but not kill you. And why does the car explode? That’s now how glass works. Whatever it looked kool as af [Kill count: 8. 5f. Total 1984 kills 29.]

Trish and Rob are talking in his cut up tent while it’s pouring rain...We learn Rob is Sandra’s brother. You probably don’t remember Sandra, she died

Friday... (Friday the 13th Part 2)

Rob she died Friday! It’s Monday?... WTF is this timeline math?

Rob has an article about Mrs. Voorhees’ murders back in 1979. Confirmed 7 kills. What has I assume Alice’s description of Jason... why would that be the photo? How does he have an artists conception of Jason as described by a would-be-victim. What is a would-be-victim? That is a weird AF way to describe someone.

Trish says “but he’s dead.” to which Rob replies, “Jason’s body disappeared from the morgue.” OK when did he learn of Sandra’s death? How long did it take him to get there? Was he at the hospital when Jason disappeared because that would have been really kool to see! Movie! MOVIE! With the show not tell rule. SHOW! AH!

“Oh god, Tommy’s at the house!” it’s giving Home Alone. Tommy is trying to get the lights back on at his place.

Ted is getting high and watching weird pervy movies still.And Ted is knifed in the back of the head through the video screen. Yay! [Kill count: 9. 4m. Total 1984 kills 30.]

Doug and Sara are getting steamy in the shower.Sara said she thinks she’s in love after Doug said he thinks he’s in heaven. GIRL. She goes back to their room in a towel.

Doug sings in the shower. Why is he still showering? Jason super kills him. He like crushes his face. It’s not a long scene but it felt like an in your face Part 3! Take that Rick you SOB! I really feel in my bones Tom Savini just wanted to sculpt Peter Barton’s head. [Kill count: 10. 5m. Total 1984 kills 31.]

Sanda heard nothing... ok... didn’t hear the glass shattering but could hear him sing? Whatever.

She finds his dead body and screams. Smart girl runs to get away. What just happened. Jason threw an ax... threw a door that had enough power to blast through the door and imbed into Sara killing her? I... ok... sure... Looked kool. [Kill count: 11. 6f. Total 1984 kills 32.]

Tommy got the lights on. Trish and Rob come home. Why did Rob break in? Jason cut the phone lines. Call for help? I think not.

Rob and Trish go next door... and leave Tommy alone. He’s 12! I’m done. Kill them all Jason.

Why did Gordon go with Rob and Trish and not stay with Tommy. Gorden I believed in you.

Rob does arm Trish. They look through the rented house... tomb?

You know what... I kinda like Rob. I know he’s gunna die but like, I wanted him to get a lil revenge for his sister, who tragically was murdered 4 days ago. 4!

Gordon went upstairs and dove through a second story window... is that what happened? Why did that happen? I feel like I missed something and more importantly IS THE DOG OK!?!

Meanwhile back at home alone with a killer on the loose: 12y/o Tommy is going through the news clippings Rob has of Jason... one article is about Edna and Harold... who we killed... like 2 days ago... you know what. And cafe owner... cafe... that’s a stretch. Also, 2 days ago!

Trish is looking through the house.

But finds no blood... or bodies until Doug’s. Poor Doug. She starts screaming for Rob. They run.

But Jason is in the basement. Rob and Jason fight. RIP Rob. RIP. wish you’d been able to be a character. You seemed like you’d have been an ok guy. It’s too dark to see exactly what’s happening. Rob screams for Trish to run as he does, and does she? No. She stands there like a fucking moron. -.- [Kill count: 12. 6m. Total 1984 kills 33.]

Ok horror cliche! Now that she’s found one body she finds ALL da bodies! It’s a corpse-palooza! Wow I’m on one today. Yikes.

Was Jimmy crucified? Why? Jason? Are you ok buddy?

Trish gets back home. They lock all the doors and windows.

Another window broken. Jason... launches Rob’s body through the window.

The Crystal Lake window repair people are going to have a great year.

Does he have a hammer in his head?

No time to look! Another window was broken (this is like 4?) and Jason has Tommy!

Trish beats Jason with a hammer before turning it around and stabbing him in the neck. He rips it out and throws it at her but misses. He is a fast zombie shit!!!

They hide in Tommy’s room. He gets in. Trish drops a TV on his head Stu Macher (Scream) style, knocking him out.

Jason goes after Trish! Chase scene in the rain! Trish goes back into the partiers house. For reasons? They keep stopping and staring at each other. She dives through a 2nd floor window. JFC. this is ridiculous. Why did she live and Tina die!?! Make it make sense?

Oh and she’s not even hurt. She just gets up and goes back home then. Tralala.

Meanwhile Tommy gives himself a bad haircut for... reasons... that make sense. I guess.

Trish has the Machete. Jason comes back to attack her.She cuts into his hand and he like stops to look at it... it’s pretty gnarly. Jason is strangling her and I think he’s making noises.

Tommy comes down stairs and distracts Jason... I guess... REMEMBER WHAT? Himself? I actually hate this ending. Have little MacGuyver boy rig a guillotine. Boom. Dead Jason. -.-

Trish gets the better of a distracted Jason and uses the machete to... take off his mask. Way to go really stopped him.

Tommy picks up the machete and lodges it in Jason’s head cutting like half way though. It’s a great effect.

Tommy picks the machete back up. Tommy and Trish hug. Jason is still moving.

Tommy then proceeds to just hit Jason over and over as Trish whine “Tommy!” while he’s scream “die!

Cut to the hospital.. Trish needs shoulder surgery. The cop tells her to get some rest. 4 day killing spree 33 people dead... you’re looking oddly rested officer. -.-

Tommy comes in to visit Trish. And he looks at the camera - giving Halloween 4. I guess their mom died off screen? [Kill count: 13. 7f. Total 1984 kills 34.] Thus concludes our long week at Camp Blood!


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