Directed by Tony Maylam
Screenplay by Harvey Weinstein + Peter Lawrence
The treatment for the script, by Weinstein, was written before the release of Friday the 13th. This caused the movie 'Don't Go Into the Woods' to change it's name (it was also going to be called The Burning) and another movie, Madman, was about the same legend Cropsy.
Released May 8th 1981, one week after Friday the 13th part 2.

Open at Camp Blackfoot:
“Tonight’s the night. Cropsy’s going to get what he deserves. Remember what he did to you Snoop? (yeah!). And when he beat up Jamie really bad for nothing? Billy says Cropsy’s been getting away with this shit for years. If we pull this off it’ll be the biggest number Camp Blackfoot has ever seen.”
Everyone’s in because they can’t stand that creep. They’re going to scare the shit out of Cropsy, the caretaker. It’s a prank gone wrong. He gets burned. Very Freddy Kreuger. That FIRE STUNT is amazing!
St. Catherine’s one week later.
There is a nurse or doctor showing a new doctor in the burn unit Cropsy... he’s purposely trying to gross him out. Cropsy grabs him and the guys screams bloody murder. Hey why didn’t Cropsy have like bandages or anything?
The credits and music are boring and forgettable.
Cropsy is out of the hospital in New York. Grimy New York. OMG literal vaseline lens.
Cropsy obscures his looks like a bad Giallo and picks up a sex worker. She has a bad reaction to his appearance.
He kills her... because? With scissors then she falls through a window. [Kill 1 - 1 woman]. This is SO much more graphic and lingers than F13_pt2.
Camp Stonewater:
Oh teens playing sports and doing actual camp activities (shenanigans)... in an open camp... weird concept but I’ll allow it. Let’s see where this goes (to murders... it goes to murders...)
We get POV shots in this movie too. And the sheers!
OH ok Karen feels very uncomfortable with Eddy. He is harassing her. This is so interesting in an 80’s movie.
CLICHE shower scene. There is a scream and people come running. Sally is god-damn sobbing because pervy boy Alfred was peeping at her! Eddie and Todd catch Alfred running away. Michelle lays into him, she is taking this very seriously. “He’s a sexual pervert!” “What do you expect me to do, cut his balls off? He’s just a kid, kids do that. He’s a little strange, but I’ll talk to him, I’ll straighten him out.”
Todd talks to Alfred... he DOES take it seriously. Ok Alfred gets picked on. Todd then gets personable. He’s no Paul Holt but he’s ok.... Damn I love Paul Holt.
The girls talk about Glazer and Alfred.
Glazer confronts Alfred, Todd breaks them up. WTF is Glazer...? Oh shit Todd comes down really hard on Glazer. Damn, I stand corrected, maybe he is a discount Paul Holt. Way to be Todd.
Glazer pushes Alfred into the lake - “are you crazy, he can’t swim!?!” Man everyone is concerned about him... umm he isn’t bullied by anyone other than Glazer, wtf was he talking about?
In the boy’s cabin... the guys are being guys... and Alfred sees a horrible face in the window after we get vaseline POV shot.
Ok some older kids are leaving on a 3 day trip to Devil’s Creek. (6 canoes, 3 people per canoe = 18 people?)
Oh know the vaseline lens is following lil Fisher Stevens. The music has the dun dun aspect to it now. I gotta learn music terminology. Todd comes into the dark cabin scaring lil Fisher Stevens.
Young Jason Alexander totally steals this whole ass movie.
Todd tells a campfire story: “There’s a camp not far from here, just across the lake. It was called Camp Blackfoot. No one goes there anymore. Everything burned down. There’s nothing left except the ruins. Now this camp had a caretaker, a really evil bastard, and his name was Cropsy. Everyone hated Cropsy. For a start he was a drunk, two bottles of whisky a day no problem, like most of the time he
was somewhere out in space, but if he caught you look out! Because Cropsy could strip the paint off the walls, just by breathing on them. Now this Cropsy was a sadist, I mean he got real pleasure out of hurting people, scaring them. And he had these garden shears, you know? The kind with long thin blades. And he carried them all the time. Everywhere he went. And he had this kind of demonic way of looking at you. One time, Cropsy really went after this kid from Brooklyn. Followed him around night and day. He made this kid’s life a living hell. But this time he chose the wrong guy. Because the kid and some of his buddies had planned a little prank... ()... the gag went wrong.” ... ect. We saw this part. Revenge.
PRANK by Eddy! Same thing happened in F13_pt2. But Jesus that music.Moral of the story: If you’re going to kill a bad person, make sure you double tap.
CLICHE skinny dipping scene with Eddy and Karen. Oh he gets forceful. Holy shit. Not kool. She leaves. He pouts. [nude girl #2].
Cropsy kills Karen but it’s a shitty dark shot... [Kill 2 - 2 women].Next day Eddy’s in trouble because Karen never came back... They’re mad. He
admits he maybe came on too strong.Oh and uh those canoes... They’re gone.They decide to make a raft. There really isn’t another way back to camp.
Michelle and Todd talking... he feels uneasy.
Glazer and Sally talk. She firmly says no. He firmly... well that sums it up actually. -.- None of the girls put out in this movie. And they still get killed.
Oh hey they actually built the raft!Eddy, lil Fisher Stevens, + 1 boy and 2 girls. Good luck to the survivors.
Wait... how did Cropsy make it out to Devil’s Creek? You know what, idk why I ask questions.
They find a canoe. Oh... I withdraw my survivor title. How did Cropsy stand up in a canoe. He is supernatural! This canoe scene is legendary. It’s the cover.
5 victims in 30 seconds, way to break the Agatha Christy rule. [Kills 3-7 = 3 boys + 4 women]
Michelle and Todd are getting flirty and stuff.
Meanwhile Glazer lasts about 10 seconds with Sally. Yikes. But its sweet. He goes back to camp to get something.
Post sex death CLICHE... off screen. [Kill 8 = 5 women].Glazer returns to find her body, and Cropsy puts those garden shears through his
face. [Kill 9 - 4 boys].
Alfred sees the whole thing and runs back to tell Todd. “What the fuck are you talking about?” Todd takes some convincing. He finds Glazer’s body then gets hit in the head.Alfred runs away. BUT OMG like Paul Holt, he lives!
These day for night shots are wild
The raft floats back... the kids laugh until they realize they’re all dead. It’s not a raft, it’s a grave!
Todd is running back to camp looking frazzled. He’s looking for Alfred. Alright. I’ve come around on Todd. He must be Paul Holt’s A+ pupil. He graduated top of his class at Packanack Lodge.
Sally swims out to the raft and pulls out a severed arm then a body floats up... and I’m questioning the buoyancy and physics of this but whatever.
Cut to wet sobbing children.Todd tells Michelle to get back to camp and get him some help.
Alfred is still running around the woods. Todd is looking for him. He’s not going to abandon this nerdy boy. Paul taught you well Todd. And he has an ax. Smart boy!
Sally and the other kids leave on the bloody raft to get help.
They made it to camp!!!Poor Jeff just wanted to run a camp... now he’s got all this trauma to deal with. Jeff and Michelle take a motor boat back to Devil’s Creek.
Back in the chase scene! Which totally track timeline wise.
Cropsy gets Alfred and Todd hears his screaming!
Cut to him tied up in a mine... why though? Whatever ok. Sure.
OH NO Todd was one of the og pranksters! I was wrong Todd, you’re no Paul Holt. but Cropsy was a dick so...
Cropsy has a flamethrower...
Weird flashback editing... ok...
Alfred gets out and stabs Cropsy with his garden shears.
Alfred and Todd live! Oh Michelle is fine too.
BUT WAIT the bad guy comes back for one last scare - but it’s ok Todd still has that ax. And he’s got an a to grind. Heh.
Ends on new counselors telling the Cropsy legend around the campfire.
Curt's YouTube: link.
Le Gault can be found below...